Spring Is Right Around The Corner

Springtime, New Beginnings!

Springtime, New Beginnings!

Spring TimeIt’s time for Spring Cleaning!  Time to clean out clutter and remove the cobwebs from all corners of your home. Now is the perfect time to take stock of all your possessions from attic to basement to garage. You can also organize items for that spring garage sale or gather unwanted items to give away to family members or donate to you favorite charity.

We at Fairfield Home Inventory can help you organize and simplify this task by offering a professional third party documentation of all your belongings.  Our comprehensive packages are affordable and will save you thousands of dollars in case of disaster or home invasion.

We also offer an Inventory Express Package.  Let us catalog your Garage or Tag Sale with our inexpensive express package – quick and easy, we’ll come in and take high quality photos and download them to our software for a wonderful catalog display that you can download to your computer or tablet. Our catalog software includes tabs for you to organize your sale items by original purchase price, sale price, warranty info, appraisal info, estate planning and much more.

Let us help you get organized and set up your inventory. For more information about our services call or email us at Fairfield Home Inventory today.

Phone: 203-914-5391

Email: info@fairfieldhomeinventory.com